
Banghoek Twitchers:  to keep our bird list fully updated, could you inform us when you spot any names that are incorrect according to scientific ornithology listings.

Once again we have Tony Robelo (iNaturalist app) to thank for creating for us such a wonderful space to learn about our Banghoek birds and also to become a part of a world body of 1.8 million naturalists for mapping and sharing nature.

Our thanks to him for creating Banghoek’s own space on the app for our flora and birds. Please take part in this exciting project by photographing and uploading your observations. Banghoek Projects on iNaturalist here

Credit: With thanks to Luca Tomlinson for updated names May 2024

< Roberts No.  759 – Pied Starling – ref Ian White

> Roberts No.  55  – Black-headed Heron – ref Colin Ralston

Banghoek Birds A to B
  • Roberts No.  465 – Acacia Pied Barbet
  • Roberts No.  52  – African Darter
  • Roberts No.  160 – African Goshawk
  • Roberts No.  169 – African Harrier Hawk
  • Roberts No.  451 – African Hoopoe
  • Roberts No.  350 – African Olive Pigeon
  • Roberts No.  81  – African Sacred Ibis
  • Roberts No.  418 – Alpine Swift
  • Roberts No.  131 – Black Eagle
  • Roberts No.  169 – Black Harrier
  • Roberts No.  245 – Blacksmith Lapwing
  • Roberts No.  55  – Black-headed Heron
  • Roberts No.  127 – Black-winged Kite
  • Roberts No.  143 – Black-chested Snake Eagle
  • Roberts No.  746 – Bokmakiere
  • Roberts No.  136 – Booted Eagle

< Roberts No.  127 – Black Kite – ref kerejoo
> Roberts No.  169 – Black Harrier – ref Jackie During

Banghoek Birds C
  • Roberts No.  700 – Cape Batis
  • Roberts No.  566 – Cape Bulbul
  • Roberts No.  885 – Cape Bunting
  • Roberts No.  872 – Cape Canary
  • Roberts No.  661 – Cape Grassbird
  • Roberts No.  195 – Cape Spurfowl
  • Roberts No.  601 – Cape Robin
  • Roberts No.  540 – Cape Rockjumper
  • Roberts No.  559 – Cape Rock Thrush
  • Roberts No.  786 – Cape Sparrow
  • Roberts No.  773 – Cape Sugar bird
  • Roberts No.  686 – Cape Wagtail
  • Roberts No.  796 – Cape White-eye
  • Roberts No.  799 – Cape Weaver
  • Roberts No.  61 – Cattle Egret
  • Roberts No.  149 – Common Buzzard

< Roberts No.  566 – Cape Bulbul – ref Ian White
> Roberts No.  61  – Cattle Egret – ref Annika Linqvist

Banghoek Birds D to F
  • Roberts No. 438 – European Bee-eater
  • Roberts No.  89  – Egyptian Goose
  • Roberts No.  706 – Fairy Flycatcher
  • Roberts No.  589 – Familiar Chat
  • Roberts No.  698 – Fiscal Flycatcher
  • Roberts No. 148 – Fish Eagle

< Roberts No.  89 – Egyptian Goose – ref dendrocygna
> Roberts No.  438 – European Bee-eater – ref Paul Cools

Banghoek Birds G to I
  • Roberts No.  395 – Giant Kingfisher
  • Roberts No.  192 – Guineafowl – helmeted
  • Roberts No.  526 – Greater Striped Swallow
  • Roberts No.  190 – Grey-winged Francolin
  • Roberts No.  54  – Grey Heron
  • Roberts No.  551 – Grey Tit
  • Roberts No.  480 – Ground Woodpecker
  • Roberts No.  84  – Hadeda
  • Roberts No.  72  – Hamerkop

< Roberts No.  661 – Cape Grassbird – ref Wikipedia
> Roberts No.  190 – Grey-winged Francolin – ref Brian du Preez

Banghoek Birds J to L
  • Roberts No.  152 – Jackal Buzzard
  • Roberts No.  614 – Karoo Scrub Robin
  • Roberts No.  355 – Laughing Dove
  • Roberts No.  651 – Long-billed Crombec

< Roberts No.  152 – Jackal Buzzard – ref Alan Manson
> Roberts No.  614 – Karoo Scrub Robin – ref Wikipedia

Banghoek Birds M to N
  • Roberts No.  775 – Malachite Sunbird
  • Roberts No.  586 – Mountain Wheatear
  • Roberts No.  390 – Mousebird – speckled
  • Roberts No.  318 – Namaqua Dove

< Roberts No.  775 – Malachite Sunbird – ref Steve Garvie
> Roberts No.  814 – Southern Masked Weaver – ref Wikipedia

Banghoek Birds O to Q
  • Roberts No.  777 – Orange-breasted Sunbird
  • Roberts No. Orange-throated Longclaw
  • Roberts No.  548 – Pied Crow
  • Roberts No.  759 – Pied Starling
  • Roberts No.  880 – Protea Canary

< Roberts No.  777 –  Orange Breasted Sunbird – ref Ian White
> Roberts No.  880 – Protea Canary – ref Markus Lilje

Banghoek Birds R to T
  • Roberts No.  769 – Redwinged Starling
  • Roberts No.  58  – Reed Comorant
  • Roberts No.  354 – Ring-necked Dove
  • Roberts No.  349 – Rock Dove
  • Roberts No.  181 – Rock Kestrel
  • Roberts No.  506 – Rock Martin
  • Roberts No.  582 – Sentinel rock Thrush
  • Roberts No.  783 – Southern Double Collared Sunbird
  • Roberts No.  707 – Southern Fiscal
  • Roberts No.  814 – Southern Masked Weaver
  • Roberts No.  686 – Spotted (Karoo) Prinia
  • Roberts No.  401 – Spotted Eagle Owl
  • Roberts No.  881 – Streaky headed Seed-eater

< Roberts No.  582 – Sentinel rock Thrush – ref Wikipedia
> Roberts No.  350 – African Olive Pigeon – ref Carmelo Lopez

Banghoek Birds U to Z
  • Roberts No.  879 – White-throated Canary
  • Roberts No.  550 – White-necked Raven
  • Roberts No.  415 – White-rumped Swift
  • Roberts No.  96  – Yellow-billed Duck
  • Roberts No.  120 – Yellow-billed Kite
  • Roberts No.  827 – Yellow Bishop

< Roberts No.  550 –  White-necked Raven – ref David Schenfeld
> Roberts No.  96 – Yellow-billed Duck – ref Dave Curtis

Click here to view pictures and common and scientific names  

Note: the above list is by no means complete, so please let’s keep it growing.  And also note, as it is especially difficult to photograph the birds, you can also upload a sighting and the app will allocate a picture.

< Roberts No.  148 – African Fish Eagle – ref Gedimis
> Roberts No.  526 – Greater Striped Swallow – ref Derek Keats

Banghoek Private Nature Reserve