Tree & Plant List

Trees and Shrubs
  • Diospryos glabra – Blueberry bush -Tree no 603
  • Diospryros ramulosa
  • Dodonaea viscosa – Sand olive – Tree no 437
  • Ficus cordata – Namaqua fig – Tree no 51 Sometimes called the mountain fig
  • Heeria argentea – Rock wood – Tree no 368
  • Leucadendron discolor – Red cone bush – Tree no 79 – Enemic to the Piketberg
  • Leucadendron pubescens
  • Leucadendron rubrum – Spinning top – Female cones are yellowish with red markings
  • Leucadendron saligmum – Has silver hairy retained cones
  • Leucadendron spissifolium – Has big brown hairless retained cones
  • Leucospermum bolusii
  • Leucospermum calligerum – Small red spiky pincushion
  • Leucospermum glaberrimum – Small yellow pincushion
  • Leucospermum profugum – Only the third known locality for this species
  • Leucospermum rodolentum – Robust bright yellow flowerheads
  • Leucospermum vestitum – Orange \ red pincushion
  • Maytenus oleoides – Rock candlewood – Tree No. 400 -Rough corky bark
  • Myrsine africana – Cape myrtle – Tree no 577 Small fringe shrub with dainty leaves
  • Olea africana – Wild olive – Tree no 617
  • Olea capensis – Ironwood olive – Tree no 618
  • Podocarpus latifolius – Real Yellow wood – Tree no 18
  • Protea acaulis – Ground protea
  • Protea laurifolia – Laurel protea – Tree no 90
  • Protea nitida – Waboom – Tree no 86 (previously P.arborea) New growth is bright red
  • Protea piscina – Ground protea
  • Protea repens – Sugar Bush – Tree no 94.1 (white) 94.2 (red tipped)
  • Rhus lucida – Tree no. 388 – glossy currant
  • Rhus rosmarinifolia
  • Rhus tomentosa – Tree no 394 – real wild currant
  • Rhus scytophylla
  • Serruria aitonii
  • Serruria picketbergii – A very recent discovery – so it’s name will probably change
Flowering Shrubs and Bulbs A to C
  • Adenandra marginata – Pretty small white flowers with pink underside markings in Aug/Sept
  • Agathosma serpyllaua – Lovely strong Buchu smell. Small white flowers in July/ August
  • Agathosma sp.p.
  • Anthospermum hirtum
  • Anthospermum spathulatum
  • Aloe
  • Anapalina
  • Aristea
  • Anagellis arvensis – Blue pimernet
  • Armellus
  • Artotis glandulosa – Diasy – Small purple flowers – September to February
  • Asclepias – Wild cotton
  • Aspalthus
  • Athanasia pubescens
  • Athanasia trifurcata
  • Avena
  • Babiana mucronata – Blue \ yellow flowers in September
  • Berkheya – Yellow flowers – bush spiky
  • Bobartia indica
  • Bromus pectinatus
  • Bulbine – Yellow cone flower in April – thin needle like leaves
  • Bulbinella triquetra
  • Cannomois aristata
  • Castalis – Diasy – Pale flower with bronze reverse – October
  • Ceterach cordatum
  • Chondro petalum macrocarpum
  • Chrysocomo ciliata – Button bush
  • Cistiflora – Doublom
  • Cliffortia ruscifolia
  • Clutia polifolia
  • Coleonema
  • Cape May – Small white or pink flowers – late spring. Small needle leaves
  • Colpoon compressum
  • Conophytuea apiatum
  • Corymbium
  • Crassula pustulata
  • Corycium ? – Orchid – stalk of “flowers” goes burnt colour
  • Cotula turbinata
  • Cynodon dactylon
  • Cyphia – Pink flower August \ September- creeper
  • Cyphia bulbosa – Up-right stalk of flowers in August \ September
  • Cyphia digitata – Small white flower August \ September- creeper
Flowering Shrubs and Bulbs D to F
  • Diascia
  • Dilatris – Blood wort – Mauve flower – base of stalk is red
  • Dimorphotheca pluvialis – Cape diasy
  • Dischisma
  • Drossera
  • Ehrharta calycina
  • Elegia hutchinsonii
  • Elegia gnaphalodes
  • Elytropappus rhinocerotis
  • Erica mommosa
  • Erica umbricata
  • Erica
  • Eriocephalus racemosus
  • Euphorbia mauritanica – Small cluster of yellow flowers in September
  • Euryops – Clanwilliam Diasy – Tall plant with large yellow flowers and thin leaves
  • Euryops speciosissema
  • Euryops tenuissimus
  • Ferraria uncinata – Blouspinnekopblom
  • Ficinia nigrescens
Flowering Shrubs and Bulbs G to I
  • Galenia africana
  • Gazania – Diasy – Various varieties
  • Gerera – Diasy
  • Gladiolus – Various varieties
  • Gladiolus alatus – Orangey – red with yellow markings in September
  • Heamanthus – Flowers in February. Leaves resemble a bottom flat on ground
  • Helichrysum asperum – Everlastings
  • Helichrysum indicum – Everlastings
  • Helichrysum odoratissimum
  • Helichrysum patulum – Everlastings
  • Helichrysum rutilans – Everlastings
  • Helichrysum teretifolium
  • Heliophila refracta – Draadblaarflaks
  • Hemimeris
  • Hermannia
  • Homeria flaccida
  • Homeria minor
  • Ischyrolepis capensis
  • Ischyrolepis esterhuyseniae
  • Ischyrolepis gossypina
  • Ischyrolepis monanthos
  • Ischyrolepis sieberi
Flowering Shrubs and Bulbs J to L
  • Lachenalia – several varieties flowers in August \ September
  • Leyseria gnaphalodes
  • Lobelia capillifolia
  • Lobelia coronopifolia
  • Lobostemon
Flowering Shrubs and Bulbs M to O
  • Merxmuellera
  • Mesembreanthemacae – Bokbaai vygies
  • Metalasia brevifolia – And other species
  • Metalasia fastigiata
  • Micranthus
  • Microloma tenuifolium – Creeper with small bright red tubular flowers
  • Moraea – several varieties flower in September
  • Muraltia heisteria
  • Muraltia – Ground cover with tiny white + mauve flowers
  • Nemesia barbata
  • Nemesia – White small “snapdragon” with serrated “spiky” leaves
  • Oftia africana
  • Ornithogalum – Chinks – Large and small varieties
  • Oxalis – Numerous varieties flower in Spring
Flowering Shrubs and Bulbs P to R
  • Passerina ericoides
  • Passerina glomerata
  • Pelagonium – Several varieties
  • Pelagonium myrrhifolium
  • Pelagonium scabrum – Pink flowers in Sept. \ Oct.
  • Pelagonium triste – Feathery leaf and flowers on stalk like an umbrella Night scented
  • Pentaschustis pallida
  • Pentaschustis rupestris
  • Pentaschustis – Various others too!
  • Pentzia pilulifera
  • Pentzia suffruticosa
  • Pharnaceum incanum
  • Phylica cephalantha – Tolhardblaar
  • Phylica cuspidata
  • Phylica oleaefolia
  • Phylica imberbis
  • Phylica spicata
  • Prismatocarpus brevilobus
  • Prismatocarpus diffuscus
  • Psoralea
  • Pteridium equilinum
  • Pterygodium catholicum
  • Raphnia amplexicaulis – soethoutbossie – Yellow pea type flowers – grey largish leaves
  • Relhania fruticosa
  • Romulea rosea var. speciosa – Flower in September
  • Rubus rigiolus
  • Rumohra adiantiformis
  • Rumex
  • Rushia tecta
Flowering Shrubs and Bulbs S to U


  • Salvia africana
  • Salvia albicaulis – Wild sage – Flowers purple – Nov. to May
  • Salvia chamelaeagnea
  • Sebaea exacoides
  • Seleago – White flowers – Jan. \ Feb.
  • Silene
  • Sparaxis grandiflora – Botterblom – Butter coloured flower August / September
  • Sutherlandia frutescens
  • Stoebe aethiopica
  • Stoebe incana
  • Stoebe plumosa
  • Struthiola ciliata
  • Synnotia villosa – Ferweelblom – Small yellow flower, blue tip to upper petal – August / September
  • Tertraria bolusii
  • Trachyandra – Flower in September \ October
  • Tribolium uniolae
  • Tribolium echinatum
  • Ursinia
Flowering Shrubs and Bulbs W to Z
  • Wachendorphia – Flower in September \ October Yellow flowers on a stalk
  • Watsonia – Various varieties
  • Watsonia vanderspuyiae – Very broad big leaves with a thick ribbed edge
  • Willdenowia teres
  • Wurmbea elongata
  • Zantedeschia odorata
  • Arum lily
  • Zygophyllum sessilifolium
Banghoek Private Nature Reserve