1000 hectares of fynbos magic…
In March 1996 a Cape journal cited Banghoek as ‘one of the most desirable properties on the West Coast’. And indeed, it is frequently the case that a first-time visitor to this beautiful fynbos biome falls in love with an ancient valley where 3000 years ago Bushmen lived in the catchment area of a wide and life-giving river.
Banghoek is one of the few remaining relatively pristine areas of fynbos left on the West Coast. The Reserve is home to several rare and endangered plant species and has a wide diversity of plants in its own right. Banghoek members feel privileged to own and be custodians of this unique floral kingdom.
Banghoek Private Nature Reserve is a sectional title development comprising maximum of 40 residential units plus the original 4 farm dwellings. It falls under the ambit of the Sectional Titles Act no 95 of 1986 as amended effective 7 October 2016.
Banghoek is governed by a body corporate which comprises all the owners who elect from their ranks a Board of Trustees to act on their behalf. The Trustees are empowered through the Act to manage the affairs of Banghoek.
The full registered name of the development is “The Banghoek Private Nature Reserve” registration no 5597/91. The Body Corporate was registered on 16th May 1991.